Local volunteers, led by the Coal River Group, have removed tons of trash and sediment, allowing aquatic insects to repopulate local river bottoms. Insects, of course, have attracted fish. Fish have attracted birds and mammals, and nowadays, healthy ecosystems are returning to all of the rivers in the watershed.
You can help celebrate the Coal River revival during the upcoming Tour de Coal, an eleven-mile float starting in Tornado, West Virginia on June 20 and 21, 2014. This family-friendly fundraiser will give you an up-close look at the rivers' progress along with paddling lessons and a commemorative T-shirt to show off your river pride. Hundreds of paddlers guarantee a good time, but rentable canoes and kayaks go fast. Reserve yours today!
Already familiar with the Coal River Watershed? How are the rivers looking these days? And do you have a favorite spot for fishing, paddling, or swimming?