Further proof that mountain music knows no bounds--The Coal Porters. The band was formed by Kentucky native, Sid Griffin, as an electric rock act in Los Angeles. Then in the mid-90s, it traversed a continent and an ocean to land in the UK, where Griffin produced a comeback album for British folk legends Lindisfarne. While under the influence of their acoustic sounds, Griffen picked up a mandolin. Before he knew it, his West Coast rockers morphed into a Euro-based bluegrass band. Described as “a cross between the Clash and Bill Monroe," The Coal Porters now produce twang laced tunes like "No More Chains," which starts with some mighty fiery preachin'. It's not as traditional as the bluegrass I usually like but this minister makes me want to throw my hands toward the sky, holler my amens, and declare a second British invasion. What do you think?