I know we're all eager to help. Here are announcements that I've found for ways to donate funds, time, and other resources to the disaster response efforts in our region and beyond. As I find more ways to help, I'll add them to the list. Please also share any announcements that you find. Submit them as comments below, and I'll incorporate them into this post.
If you have been affected by the storms or tornadoes, you can find food, water, and a safe place to stay at an American Red Cross shelter.
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For volunteer information, call 2-1-1 (in Alabama) or toll-free 888-421-1266.
Central Bank locations are accepting donations for Kentucky Cares, a campaign established with the Bluegrass Chapter of the American Red Cross.
Checks can also be mailed to the Bluegrass Chapter of the American Red Cross at 1450 Newtown Pike, Lexington, KY 40511 with Kentucky Cares in the memo line.
A truck at the Hamburg Pavilion Walmart in Lexington will be collecting goods on Monday, March 5th from noon to 7:00 PM. Items needed include cleaning supplies, garbage bags, paper products, flashlights, batteries, bottled water, and non-perishable food.
Donate blood throughout central Kentucky with Kentucky Blood Center, which has locations in Lexington, Pikeville, and Somerset.
Kentucky Emergency Management has a special page set up for volunteer information.
I've seen that you can donate at Fifth Third Bank and Kroger in central Kentucky, but it's not clear to which organizations.
North Carolina
In and near Cherokee County, please call Cherokee County Emergency Services at (828) 837-7352 to volunteer to help with cleanup. Monetary and other donations are being centralized to the Western North Carolina Region of the American Red Cross. Please call them at (828) 258-3888 then press extension 206 for Rachael Allen.
Greater Chattanooga Red Cross will begin holding volunteer orientations on Saturday, March 3, at 1:30 p.m. Positions include: warehouse, feeding, runners and office workers. Background checks are required. Contact this Red Cross chapter for additional dates and times.
Salvation Army Chattanooga is also seeking stand-by volunteers. Text your name and email to 423-505-1052 to be added to the list.
The McKamey Animal Centerin Chatanooga has a dog and cat food bank available for pets that have been affected by the storms. If your pets are displaced from your home or if you find displaced pets, please call 423-305-6500.
West Virginia
The Huntington Area Food Bank is sending a truck filled with food to hard hit areas in eastern Kentucky. They are accepting financial donations.
American Red Cross: donations can be made online or by calling 1-800 RED CROSS. You can also text the word REDCROSS to 90999 to donate $10 to American Red Cross Disaster Relief. If you’d like to volunteer your time, you can search for volunteer opportunities online.
The Salvation Army donations can be made online or by calling 1-800-SAL-ARMY. $10 donations can also be made by texting the word STORM to 80888.
World Vision donations can be made online or by calling 1-888-56CHILD. $10 donations can be made by texting WV to 20222.